
Developing Black and White Photographic Film

Here is a link to Ilford's guide on how to develop Black and White film. Click Here. This is very useful if you are new to the process. It has diagrams and accurate measurements for times and chemicals (for the use of their particular products). So long as you have the basic equipment (tank, spiral, chemicals and an exposed film) you can process the film at home or in the photography department. Its easy once your used to it. 

There are many videos on YouTube on how to develop a black and white film. The one below is an example of one of them. See the rest here. Once you have gone actually through the process of developing once it becomes at lot easier.

There are various black and white chemical developers and fixers. Each do the exact same job but may have slightly different developing times. Its probably useful to stick to one brand at first.

Enjoy your Photography.

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